Private Placement Program Traders Uk Average ratng: 4,6/5 8739 reviews

PROFIT DISTRIBUTION: 70% TO INVESTOR,10% TO TRADER,10% TO PLATFORM & 5% +5% INTERMEDIARIES. Please feel free to send your Complete File at anytime for immediate review.FOR BANK INSTRUMENTS BG/SBLC/SKR ONLY,All monetization and trading done In House by our groups own Monetizers and Traders. We pride ourselves in treating every single file separately and delivering a successful roadmap for each and every file. Hence, we are not the type of outlet that provides standard procedures for hundreds of files. Please do not email us and send a text message stating you emailed us. Every action has a reaction and takes time away from moving us forward. High Yield Investment Programs(HYIP)/Private Placement Programs(PPP) FROM 2M Euros(.March.) and from 5m euros(.

Get your Free, E-book “How to Invest in Private Placement Programs” ( 30 pages) + “How a Private Placement Program (Trade) Works” (Bonus). FBI Warns Public About Platform Trading Investment. In Europe or in North America in which banks trade. Investment Program; Private Placement.

April.).Direct from the Trader and Bank. 1.-PPP banking programs ( Not platforms). 2.-Cash and Financial Instruments ( Cash, BGs, SBLCS, MTNs,Banks Draft).

3.-Block Assets/Funds: Swift 760 for cash and Swift 760 or 542 for Financial Instruments. 4.-100% Capital Guaranteed/Protected.

5.-Procedure: KYC, POF/POA, RWA. 6.-Only by Invitation. You can download 4 free e-books: 1.-Guide:How to invest in Private Placement Programs. 2.-Everything you wanted to know about High Yield Investing Programs.

3.-Private Placement Programs Explained. 4.-Procedures to enter into Private Placement Programs. Download Page: Web Page: All the Best Skype: vicentepiqueras1. Dear Sir I enclose a big business oportunity for you Thank you and all the bestVicente Piqueras-Economists and Lawyers High Yield Investment Programs(HYIP)/Private Placement Programs(PPP) FROM 2M Euros(.March.) and from 5m euros(. April.).Direct from the Trader and Bank. 1.-PPP banking programs ( Not platforms).

2.-Cash and Financial Instruments ( Cash, BGs, SBLCS, MTNs,Banks Draft). 3.-Block Assets/Funds: Swift 760 for cash and Swift 760 or 542 for Financial Instruments. 4.-100% Capital Guaranteed/Protected.


5.-Procedure: KYC, POF/POA, RWA. 6.-Only by Invitation. You can download 4 free e-books: 1.-Guide:How to invest in Private Placement Programs. 2.-Everything you wanted to know about High Yield Investing Programs. 3.-Private Placement Programs Explained. 4.-Procedures to enter into Private Placement Programs.

Download Page: Web Page: All the Best Skype: vicentepiqueras1.

With the recent increase in private placement, and related fraud, it is now more crucial than ever to identify suspicious actions. Though this may seem like common sense, the problem is, until our blog was created there was no reliable information source which defined truth and dispelled myth. As we have done with all of our articles on private placement programs, this list of common “red flags” will provide unique insight and invaluable tools to help you on your path to success. By staying attentive to common warning signs, such as the ones we will discuss below, you can approach each private placement transaction with diligence and realism.

Though many of these tips may seem simple at first, applying them correctly can be the difference between a life of wealth, and a trip to the “school of hard knocks”. Take a look below, these tips can save you millions! Top 10 Red Flags for 1. Private Placement Programs with VERY High Returns: If you hear about a private placement investment yielding over 50% per week, it is UNLIKELY to fulfill its promises. Eset smart security 4 download. Unless you have over 100M, and are extremely lucky, you are barking up the wrong tree. Please review our article on for more information. Programs which “Piggy back” or Pool Investors to Meet a Minimum: Pooling investors for private placement programs is risky, and unfortunately, it is quite frequent in today’s private placement world.

The problem is, if you have a large number of investors in a private placement, there is a good chance that one will “cry wolf” because they feel uncomfortable due to the lack of transparency. Once that happens, which it usually does, the SEC, FBI, etc. Will begin an investigation that could last years, freezing everyone’s assets. “Ping” Programs, or “Administrative Holds”:, or programs that require administrative holds, are everywhere but rarely ever work. The problem is simple: there is no collateral on hand to stimulate the line of credit for the private placement trader.

Many inexperienced private placement brokers push these deals, NEVER succeeding despite years of efforts. Claims of “No Risk” for the Investor: In any alternative investment, there is always risk. This is especially true for private investments, due to their unregulated nature and high risk strategies. Despite what many brokers may say, private placement programs DO carry risk. To be successful in any private placement, you must always collateralize your funds, and assign them to the trader. If the trader defaults on the line of credit, the funds of the investor can be seized. No One Vouches for their Success with the Trader: If you are investing in a private placement program, ALWAYS be sure to speak with someone who has been successful with the trader.

Investors who choose to move forward with a private placement program which hasn’t been vouched for are taking a huge risk. To state the obvious, acting as a “guinea pig” is not the best decision when seeking private placement. The “Program Manager” Slips Up: If you ask the same questions twice, and the program manager changes their answers even slightly, you should dig deeper to look for more inconsistencies. Think of your conversation with the representative and trader of the private placement program as a psychological analysis. Every response, tone, and answer should be assessed to ensure you are comfortable before moving forward. Traders that Accept Leased Bank Instruments: If a private placement trader accepts a leased bank instrument, move on before you waste your time. No REAL private placement program will accept funds which you do not have full control over.

Though leased bank instruments have become extremely popular, in all reality, you have a one in a million shot of being successful. For more information, visit our article on the FACTS of. Private Placement Programs that Accept Hard Assets: If you have hard assets, and are looking to get into a private placement program, then please be safe. Unfortunately, there is a liquidity crisis worldwide, and it is very tough to get banks to loan against illiquid assets.

In all honesty, your best bet is to sell the asset, and invest a portion of the earnings into a private placement program. “Bullet Programs”, or Short-term “Leveraged” Programs: Short term or “bullet programs” typically promise extremely high yields, and very rarely work.

Most real private placements last 40 weeks, due to the contractual agreements between the trader and their exit buyers who purchase the medium term notes ( MTN)/bank guarantees ( BG). Usually, short term programs claim to “leverage” the funds, and by doing so, “create immensely higher returns”. The Old Fashioned Bait and Switch Technique: If a seems too good to be true, look out for the infamous “bait and switch” technique. In many cases, private placement brokers will paint a rosy picture of the process, and then switch the terms once the investors is so excited that they are ready to do whatever they need to get the “high returns”. This is very common, so investors must ALWAYS be aware of this unfortunate scenario when verifying the details of any program with the trader. Though there are plenty of actions which can be considered “red flags” in private placement, we have listed the most common scenarios above.

If you remember nothing else from this article, a good rule of thumb is: if it sounds too complicated, or too good to be true, it usually is. As with any other material we publish, reading can teach you a lot, but applying the knowledge and tips we provide is far more important. We didn’t write this article for fun, look for any sign of inconsistency, and act if needed before it’s too late. Remember, common sense is your friend, and when you choose to follow hope over rational thought, the oasis will always disappear when you arrive. InsideTrade LLC Staff Phone: (949) 444-2111. Very good article! I would be interested in feedback: In conversations with two people who have been directly involved with successful PPPs at principal levels, I have heard that 1) administrative holds and holds not in favor of the trader are possible in rare instances.

Some traders have been in business with a given bank for decades and can do things the normal mortal cannot, etc. And; 2) From what I have been told, the idea of risk in a proper program-based PPP is usually real but VERY low. In a buy-sell instrument transaction, for instance, the exposure to 'risk' lasts only so long as each transaction is open. Any failure would still be secured by actual possession of an instrument. I have to bet the real risk is getting 'in bed' with the wrong trader and the wrong program. Are you able to locate amoun your clients support for a GOOD new global effect humanitarian project. When factors are considered there is far to much servitude to the needs of the belly for energy to maintain body heat to run systems by humanity.

This rapacious ingrained survival mechanism when mutltiplied by the current and future generations is now consuming OUR PLANET'S resources at very fast rate. It is now clear from the rate of disaster now almost daily we are changing support systems planet wide and not for the better.

It is good time then to change the way we go about doing certain important matters. When all factors are considered it is only our collective and poor capability and systems we currently use for the transportation of goods, people etc from place to place. This alone is the root cause. We have a new company registered to undertake our humanitarian project to build over the next few months the first (90ft Dia) 100kg vortex generation solar powered electrically driven disc aircraft constructed of new lightweight materials that uses either helium or hydrogen for lift. Craft fuselage is carbon fibre with patented ring construction overlaid with gas proof fireproof supertough materials.

Craft uses dual spinning single mass rotor located within craft at cardinal postions with larger rotor at C/G to cancel precession of the disc when in flight while also allowing full yaw and pitch control from within via the central spinning mass. T his for cancelation of precession forces acting on the disc when in flight. All other flying craft use external appendages. The point being we now have a low cost strong lightweight disc very safe aircraft able to lift heavy loads and transport them anywhere without emissions. It my fellow friend and fellow human brother would help greatly when made to large size to reduce mans footprint on the planet, by making the transportation of not only himself from place to place but also allow for better distribution of food and trade resources.

Private Placement Investment Program

Will you in the name of YHWH and YESHUA help start a new eon for mankind and help him survive his mistakes. Hi, I am invoved in a private placement trade at the present time. We did finally cmplete a trade, but we had funds stolen from us prior to this one. We ahve been told now that although the trade was completed, after the paymaster dispersed the funds, our bank wire was stopped by the Federal Reserve?? It has been 7 months nowand who knows what will happen. All I know is that this field of PPT is rampant with thieves.

I also know that there are honest traders(Trading Banks that have been trading for years) I do think its very difficult to find out abut the honest ones. I do know a 'platform manager' in BH Ca. I woudl be interested in knowing any honest and reliable trading bank, or banks. (Traders too). Hello Bill, sorry that this happened to you. It looks strange to me that the bank wire was stopped. Who is the paymaster?

May be it is the old trick from non performing partiese who tell that they have got the order by somebody not to pay out. Did you ask for documents to verify what you have been told. I am sure that there are lot of 'thieves' who try to catch other peoples money.

Always be very careful and think logic and do not believe all what people tell you, try to verify some of the information you got. You can contact me at Best regards Lisa. Another note of caution to those sourcing money. Be attentive and don't fall for schemes. If those with whom you speak upfront talk about diligence fees and upfront costs without even discussing your project or understanding it, dismiss them regardless of what they try to tell you. Credible intermediary money finders should first understand what you are doing and then determine if they can help before anyone talks about money. The sharks know folks want funding and so do they but they want it now and don't care about you.

Some of these scammers will even tell you that the greater amounts you pay in upfront diligence fees will convince lenders you are credible and substantial! Now that's a joke. If you were so substantial why would you be sourcing investment capital!

In most cases this money goes into their pockets, and you will never again hear from them. Be alert and be selective. Look at the signs. Another comment about Stand By Letters of Credit (SBLC) Bear in mind that this is a very, very expensive means of finding credit. One who uses this is 'borrowing' another's credit standing. This does not come cheap, and it may not produce the desired results. Everyone involved in the process is looking to make money, and who pays for that?


Also, a lending institution who would rely upon another's credit (SBLC) will ask a ton of questions, and, most likely, will have its own very high diligence costs. This is referred to as a third party guaranty situation. When a third party is making the guaranty for the debt of another the requested lending party relying upon this guaranty has to be assured that the guarantying party is solid. This may sometimes require bonding and insurance. So, if you are following what I am saying here you can see that the one looking to get funding will have spent a ton of money in advance just to setup this arrangement! Be very careful, ask a lot of questions, and ask for a complete breakdown of expenses and costs before you make a commitment.

I had earlier mention the following with the caveat to stay away. Jefferson Hu Park Field/Research Manager He's back! He is now- Kennocha EMPERATRIZ. Field/Research Manager. E-mail ID: Same routine as before with the same following opening statement: 'We have a solid network to get Investment buyers.We also have Private Investors mostly from the Gulf Countries who are looking up investing abroad on properties.' Stay far away folks.

I checked all the IP's from the e-mail header. They are all blocked!

The only verifyable IP was that of google! The bogus ones never stop. I have a 30 Day Bullet secure opportunity $1 million and up in cash. Clients only this is not a PPP and is completely transparent and located here in the U.S. Client can stay in up to 6 months. Client funds remain in your own management account with a Fortune 500 company with assets under management are approximately $390 billion your funds are not touched or moved in any way!

Client can use their own escrow to get payed. Funding/ payout will typically take place within 30 days. Get with me today at: Mike Milam. 6 April 2013 at 1:16 pm Leave your response! Add your comment below, or from your own site. You can also via RSS.

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