Red Alert Xp Patch 1.08 Average ratng: 3,0/5 303 reviews

Red Alert 3 heeft een update naar versie 1.08 gekregen. Het strategiespel kan door middel van de interne auto-updater of via de patch naar de nieuwe versie bijgewerkt. Installing Command and Conquer: Red Alert on Windows XP. Download and install the 1.08 update patch. Run the patch and move the resulting files into your Red. The AMA is live!

  1. Red Alert Xp Patch

Patches for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 are cumulative. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.12 Patch Notes - May, 2009 This patch fixes an exploit with the Allied Assault Destroyer. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.11 Patch Notes - May, 2009 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds two free maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising, and more. General. Added two new maps for skirmish and online play: Spring Fever (2 player) and Blitzen's Back (4 player).

Play these maps and many more in the stand-alone campaign expansion, Red Alert 3 Uprising, available for download at Balance Changes: Global. Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%. Walls and Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed. Parachute drop time increased. Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed.

Keep your distance. Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000. Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now half price. Anti-Infantry vehicles (Riptide, Jet Tengu) vulnerability to GUN damage (PeaceKeeper, Conscript, Imperial Warrior) now reduced to 25% from 50%. The Top Secret Protocols have been reordered for all three factions.

Balance Changes: By Faction. Allied Javelin Soldier cost reduced to 300 from 400. Allied Aircraft Carrier drone speed increased to 225 from 150. Allied Aircraft Carrier drones no longer give large amounts of XP when killed.

Allied Aircraft Carrier reload time reduced to 10s from 15s. Allied Assault Destroyer Black Hole Armor bonus increased to 35% from 25%. Allied Outpost now gains additional health when upgraded (25% per level).

Red alert xp patch

Allied Athena Cannon no longer requires line of sight to attack. It can fire over walls now!. Allied Cryocopter health reduced to 650 from 750.

Allied Chronorift cast delay reduced to 1s. Rift time changed to 5s, 10s, and 15s, depending. Allied Defense Bureau build time increased to 30s from 10s. Special Agent Tanya Adams now requires the Defense Bureau to be built. Allied Apollo Fighter heath increased to 300 from 250. Allied Chronosphere now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.

Soviet Hammer Tanks can no longer leech while moving. Soviet Apocalypse Tank grinder damage halved. Soviet Flak Trooper Cost increased to 400 from 300. Soviet structures will no longer refund 100% of their cost if canceled after taking damage.

Refund value reduction is equivalent to the damage taken by the building. Soviet Super Power Plant energy production reduced to 350 from 500.

Soviet Super Power Plant will no longer explode if it is destroyed before it has completed building. Soviet Stingray health increased to 450 from 360.

Soviet Dreadnaught Missiles now scatter against units. Soviet MiG Fighter health increased to 240 from 200. Soviet Iron Curtain now requires the Battle Lab to be built. Japan MCV build radius increased to facilitate wall building. Japan Jet Tengu now much less deadly against each other in air form.

Red alert xp patch

Japan Tsunami Tank now auto-heals while it's secondary ability is active. Japan Honorable Discharge power no longer deals any friendly fire.

Japan King Oni health increased to 3000 from 2250. Japan Emperor's Rage powers now limit the speed debuff to 75% for all levels. Japan Wave Force Artillery no longer requires line of sight for attacking. It can shoot through walls, buildings, and anything else dumb enough to get in front of it. Japan Naginata Cruiser Spread-Torpedo damage halved.

Japan Naginata Cruiser health reduced to 1200 from 1400. Japan Shogun Battleship speed reduced to 50 from 75. Japan Shogun Battleship cannons now properly scatter against other units. Japan Shogun Battleship rate of fire now reduced by 40%. Japan Point Defense Drones now have an expiration time of 2 minutes.

Japan Final Squadron Power damage reduced in accordance with the new power tree design. Balance Changes: Vision. Vision changes were incorporated from Red Alert 3: Uprising in order to improve unit behavior. Allied Multigunner Turret Vision Range increased to 310 from 300. Allied Prism Tower Vision Range increased to 360 from 350.

Allied Hydrofoil vision range increased to 325 from 300. Allied Javelin Soldier vision range increased to 200 from 175. Allied Guardian Tank vision range in Target Painter mode increased. Special Agent Tanya Adams' shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400. Soviet Apocalypse Tank vision range in Harpoon mode increased.

Soviet Hammer Tank vision range in Leech mode increased. Soviet Terror Drone vision range in Stasis Ray mode increased. Soviet Base Defenses vision ranges increased slightly. Soviet Bullfrog vision range increased to 325 from 300. Soviet commando vision range increased to 175 from 150. Japan Seawing vision range increased to 225 from 200. Japan Tengu vision range increased to 225 from 200.

Japan Commando vision range increased to 175 from 150. Japan Commando shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400. User Interface Enhancements. Players who choose random in online play will now have their faction hidden on the 'escape' screen during the match.

The wait time to kick an online player with a bad connection has been reduced to 30 seconds (from 60). Players who are not on your friends list can no longer whisper you while you're in a match.

Rally points can be reset on airfields by right clicking on the airfield while it is selected. PC Users can now customize right click scroll speed by adding the following command line argument: -dragTolerance # where # = distance in pixels, typically a number from 1 – 50. Interface lag (irresponsiveness between clicks and keyboard commands) has been reduced. Bug Fixes.

EVA announcements will no longer play when a disguised spy enters your base. Made several improvements to the way garrisoned buildings and captured structures are reported through shroud (in game and on the radar). Integrated several AI improvements from Red Alert 3 Uprising. The Apoc Tank can no longer move while harpooning. Fixed a bug that prevented Allied airfields from building the appropriate number of aircraft in certain situations. Fixed a bug that prevented units from attacking enemies with very low health.

Fixed a bug that allowed the Soviet Crusher Crane to be captured by an engineer without the 3-second capture delay. Fixed a bug that allowed Soviet players to cash bounty their own deployed MCV and then get a refund by selling it. Fixed a bug that allowed the Mirage Tank and Tsunami Tank's secondary abilities to still function when under the effect of an Aircraft Carrier's blackout missile. Fixed a bug that allowed structures to be placed on top of Tesla Troopers in their secondary mode. Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented veteran Guardian Tanks from painting targets correctly in their secondary mode.

Fixed a bug that allowed certain units to be frozen despite being under the effects of an Iron Curtain or Chrono Rift. Fixed a bug that caused certain textures to display incorrectly when playing multiple, different community-made maps in succession. Chrono Swap no longer allows you to move non-amphibious units from land to water. The Shinobi's secondary ability now correctly causes all enemy units who are actively targeting him to lose their target.

While inside a Nanoswarm, the Apoc and Riptide can now properly attack other units within the Nanoswarm. Enemy tanks with the Terror Drone Surprise upgrade will no longer spawn a terror drone when killed by Tanya, as this would kill her instantly. Desolator strikes and Chronospheres will no longer affect repair drones. Time bombs can no longer be cast on walls. Amphibious units may now be sent into a friendly crusher crane on land or at sea. Structures that were under repair when captured will no longer be under repair for the new owner. If a player has multiple Twinblades selected but not all are garrisoned, pressing the secondary ability button will now only cause the garrisoned Twinblades to descend.

Blocked an exploit that gave the Bullfrog's secondary ability (the man cannon) unlimited range. Blocked an exploit that allowed the Javelin to remain locked-on while moving or when the target goes out of range.

Blocked an exploit that allowed unlimited camera zoom-out in online play. Blocked an exploit that gave a Hammer Tank unlimited Toxic Corrosion. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.09 Patch Notes - March, 2009 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, adds a community news viewer, and more. Balance Changes. Added a smoke flare delay when using the Magnetic Singularity support power.

The IFV base defense is now more vulnerable to cannon damage. If a King Oni uses his bull rush secondary ability while shrunk by a Cryocopter's S.H.R.I.N.K. Ray, the King Oni will now explode on impact. In multiplayer matches, Allied and Soviet players may now dock their aircraft at any friendly airfield, regardless of faction, to refuel and reload. User Interface Enhancements. Added the ability for hosts to select a random tournament map when playing in a custom match with 2 or 4 players. Players will see the Random Map option on the Map Selection list.

Added a community news window that is displayed on game launch. This window can be disabled by selecting 'Do Not Show Again' on the news window. Added a Spanish multiplayer lobby. Bug Fixes. Units will no longer occasionally animate incorrectly when crossing a bridge. The Striker VX and King Oni now correctly animate when powered down by an EMP attack. Fixed an exploit that allowed players to create health, money, or veterancy crates.

Fixed a crash caused by saving while a Magnetic Singularity was active on the map. Other Changes. Added additional Mod support to Red Alert 3. Updated the credits. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.08 Patch Notes - February, 2009 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 adds support for predefined teams in 2v2 automatch, fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, provides assorted user interface enhancements, and more. Balance Changes.

Parachuting drop speed has been increased. Aircraft Return To Base speed boost reduced to 25% from 50%. Allied Vindicator (unupgraded) reload time increased to 10s from 5s. Allied Vindicator (upgraded) reload time increased to 7s from 3.5s.

Allied Apollo speed reduced to 225 from 250. Allied Apollo now twice as vulnerable to attack from units other than the Mig, Tengu, and other Apollos. Allied Apollo ammo reduced by 25%. Allied Century Bomber reload time increased by 50%. Allied Multigunner Turret (ungarrisoned) damage versus infantry reduced by 50%.

Allied Multigunner Turret (Peacekeeper Garrisoned) has had its accuracy increased. Allied IFV cost reduced to 800 from 900. Allied Aircraft Carrier drone health doubled. Allied Assault Destroyer build cost reduced to 1500 from 1800. Japan Burst Drone vulnerability to FLAK & AUTO CANNON damage reduced by 25%. Japan Imperial Warrior armor penalty while Bonzai Charging removed. Japan Balloon Bomb reload time now increases based on its level.

Japan Final Squadron reload time now increases based on its level. Japan Enhanced Kamikaze damage done to friendly units reduced by 50%. Japan Defender-VX base defense unpack time halved. Japan Defender-VX base defense transform cool-down time reduced to 2 seconds from 15. Japanese Production Structures (Barracks, Naval Yard, War Factory) gain 25% health with each tech level purchased.

Japan Barracks Egg cost decreased to 500 from 750. Japan Barracks T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s.

Japan Power Plant cost reduced to 800 from 1000. Japan Naval Yard T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s. Japan War Factory T3 upgrade build time reduced to 30s from 60s. Japan Mainframe Core build cost decreased to 2500 from 3000. Japan Mainframe Core unpack time increased to 30s from 16s. Japan Shogun Battleship health reduced to 1500 from 2000.

Soviet Bullfrog Man-Cannon launch speed increased. Soviet Conscript gun damage increased by 25%. Soviet Tesla Trooper pre attack delay reduced by 1 second. Soviet MiG speed reduced to 210 from 225. Soviet MiGs now twice as vulnerable to attack from units other than the Mig, Tengu, and other Apollos.

Soviet Ultratorpedo damage reduced to 300 from 400. Damage now tapers to 100 at the edge of the blast radius. Soviet Twinblade health reduced to 500 from 600. User Interface Enhancements. 2v2 automatch now allows players to specify a teammate for ranked 2v2 matches. Added support for Elo ratings, a score that starts at 1500 and rises or falls based on wins and loses.

This allows players to more accurately gauge their opponents' skill level. Automatch now allows players to specify how much their opponents' rating may differ from their own, ensuring competitors are adequately similar in skill. Your personal ladder rank and rating for both 1v1 and 2v2 ranked games is now displayed on the automatch screen. All players' ladder ranks are now displayed on the loading screen.

Added 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 lobbies. Added 'Player Defeated' audio events for games involving 3 or more players. The friends list is now sorted alphabetically. Clicking a player's name in a multiplayer lobby will now start a whisper to that player. Hovering over a player's name in a multiplayer lobby will now also display that persons 1v1 rating.

Modified the text displayed after a player disconnects to advise that grievances be filed in the sticky thread at the official Red Alert 3 forums. The multiplayer login screen will now remember your last successful username and online ID. The game will now check for patches at startup, and not just when playing multiplayer. There is now a fast forward button in replays (the ' key will still work as well) Bug Fixes. Fixed a bug that would cause ore collectors to stop gathering when a building with repair drones was placed while the collector was docked at the ore node.

Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash when left idle in a high population online lobby for an extended period of time. Fixed a bug that caused garrisoning units to follow a twinblade from the ground if a stop command was given to the twinblade during the garrison. Fixed an exploit that allowed walls and wall hubs to be built on spaces occupied by enemy infantry. Fixed an exploit that allowed multiple walls to be built simultaneously. Fixed an exploit that granted credits and an engineer without destorying the MCV when sold. Fixed an exploit that allowed Allies to build instantly via cryocopter and chrono rift. Fixed a desync that may have occured while loading an online co-op game.

Other Changes. Updated the credits. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.07 Patch Notes - January, 2009 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 includes important Steam updates. Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.06 Patch Notes - December, 2008.

Revamped the Automatch system to improve reliability and the speed at which players are matched. Fixed an exploit with the Soviet Crane where structures could be built for free under low power.

Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3 Version 1.05 Patch Notes - December, 2008 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, provides assorted user interface enhancements, and more. Balance Changes. During Skirmish and Multiplayer games, Engineers will now take several seconds to successfully capture a structure. During this time the Engineer will be vulnerable to attack. Reduced the power requirement for the Empire of the Rising Sun Refinery from 55 to 50. Reduced the cost of the Allied Harvester from 1400 to 1000. The Allied Refinery's sell price has been increased from 300 to 500.

The Vindicator should now do 50% less damage versus Empire of the Rising Sun Cores. The Mecha Tengu's anti-air weapon damage has been increased from 15 to 23. The Vindicator and Century Bomber will now properly receive the additional ammo if grounded when Advanced Aeronautics is purchased. Units in aggressive stance will now auto-acquire enemy Tank Busters in their spider holes. Fixed an exploit where players could get two infantry units out of a Power Plant when selling it. Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when destroyed.

Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when sold on the water. Akula Subs will now be much easier to target as they surface to fire. The Soviet Ore Collector now has a proper cooldown time on its secondary ability. The Soviet Super Reactor will now damage aircraft when destroyed. Fixed a bug where the Hammer Tank was not receiving a damage increase on its Leech Beam after attaining veterancy.

The King Oni will now perform a melee attack when attacking enemies nearby, which will also cause meta-damage to infantry. Fixed a bug where Hospitals were not healing infantry units garrisoned inside vehicles. The Shogun will now properly fire all of its laser cannons when automatically attacking structures in aggressive stance. The Hammer Tank will now receive health when using its Leech Beam against an enemy that has Point Defense Drones.

Fixed an exploit where players could get the Sky-wing to land on dry land. The map reveal from Observation Posts is no longer obstructed by various terrain heights. Engineers targeted with Cash Bounty will no longer provide funds when the engineer captures a structure. The Apocalypse Tank can now properly change targets when using its Magnetic Harpoon ability. Fixed an exploit where the Javelin Soldier could remain fully locked onto their target even after moving.

Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would maintain its Stasis Ray even though it switched to Dismantler Claws. Fixed an exploit where players could create more than 4 docking aircraft per airfield or airbase. Fixed an exploit where players could change faction right before the game countdown finished. Fixed an exploit where players could disconnect from games and still gain benefits to their record. In 2v2 team games, teammates will always start next to each other. Fixed exploits where the starting game countdown wouldn't stop if a player changed game parameters in the final second.

User Interface Enhancements. Added several Co-op lobbies to the lobby list. Added the ability to see a player's stats in the online lobbies. By hovering over a player's name, this will display a summary of that player's wins, losses, and rank. Vertical sliders in the menus can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel. Added the Broadcast option under the Rules Tab for Custom online matches.

When players change map size in the game setup screen, the appropriate number of slots will be opened. The custom match lobby list will now display icons for Clan, VOIP, Custom Map, and Passworded games in the Status column. Added the proper Observer panel when observing online matches. Added the ability to Whisper to players in different lobbies.

Players can now see Whispers while in the Game Setup screen of an online match. The host of a Co-op campaign match will now receive a notification when they send an invite to other players.

When editing hotkeys or VOIP settings, they will now only be changed for the current active profile. The player will no longer be kicked back to the main menu after entering an incorrect password for an online game. At least two extra mouse buttons can now be assigned to commands in the Custom Hotkeys screen. Added a visual indicator in-game to display whether a player is using Team or Global VOIP chat. Players will now receive a message that the lobby is full when attempting to join a full lobby. Added a refresh button onto the custom match lobby screen. Added more details into the invite request a player has received.

Bug Fixes. Fixed a bug where Burst Drones were not inflicting damage when activating their secondary ability before attaching to a vehicle. Fixed a bug where the progress bar for structures was not displaying when their production was paused. Fixed a bug where the Terror Drones were receiving a garrison cursor when hovering over civilian buildings in the shroud. If the Stingray uses its secondary ability on water and then moves onto land, the ability button will now properly display the cooldown time. Fixed a bug where corrupted graphics would display when issuing Planning Mode commands extremely close to the selected unit.

Fixed a bug where Spies would retain the Tesla effect after using Bribe while disguised as a Tesla Trooper. The Mission Menu map will now properly display bridges. The Riptide ACV will now properly fire its torpedoes when force firing in the water. A Terror Drone will now properly grey out the unpack command of an enemy unit affected by the Stasis Ray. Fixed a bug where units would potentially warp when being disengaged from an enemy Apocalypse Tank's magnetic harpoon.

A Reverse Move command will no longer be cancelled when a non-movement secondary ability is toggled midway through the move command. Fixed a bug where the King Oni wouldn't do any damage with its Bull Rush if used before reaching its build waypoint. Empire of the Rising Sun vehicles can no longer transform through bridges. Fixed a bug where Empire of the Rising Sun cores were not unpacking if the player saved a game while the core was moving to its destination. Fixed a bug where hosting or joining a multiplayer match was causing your VOIP settings to default to Voice-Activated. Fixed a bug where VOIP settings were being set back to default after finishing a game. Torpedoes will no longer follow amphibious units onto land.

Fixed a bug where the Twinblade would sometimes go underground when attempting to pick up passengers. Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would sometimes have difficulty garrisoning inside a Twinblade.

Fixed stability issues with joining, leaving, and re-joining network games. The research of Heightened and Max Clearance can now be continued after being paused. Twinblades will no longer be damaged when picking up a vehicle infected with a Terror Drone. Fixed an issue where aircraft would go underground when landing at their airfield or airbase. The Apocalypse Tank will now display its grinder effects on Medium and lower LOD.

Fixed a bug where your Co-commander's MCV would sometimes fail to unpack after destroying the Tesla Coils in mission Allied 03. Fixed a desync for when an observer toggled between players in an online match. Other Changes.

Added DRM Deauthorization into both the launcher and Options menu in-game. Clicking the 'Deauthorize' button will deauthorize the computer from playing Red Alert 3, allowing players to run the game on a different computer. Restarting the game on the original computer will reauthorize Red Alert 3 on that machine. Added status pips for units being healed by Hospitals. The Bullfrog can now target an area for passengers to be ejected even if that area is currently out of range. After the Free Trade power is purchased, additional numbers will now display from refineries indicating the power's benefit.

Infantry will now play a meta-impact animation when hit with V4 rockets. Tanya will now receive a C4 cursor when hovering over enemy vehicles and ships. The Chrono Rift/Chasm/Fissure powers have had their portraits updated to better reflect the functionality of the powers. Commando units will no longer receive a garrison cursor when hovering over Ore Nodes and tech structures under the fog-of-war.

Chrono Rifted units can now be selected by control group number after warping back in. Valid structures will now receive a rally point mouse cursor when hovering over bridges. Conscripts, Peacekeepers, and Imperial Warriors will now receive a counter-garrison cursor when hovering over valid civilian structure targets. The Yari Mini-Sub will now reliably hit Yuriko with its secondary kamikaze ability. Added Ammo Pips for respective units into their portrait. Units with the disguise ability will now display a unique disguise cursor when hovering over valid disguise targets.

Red Alert Xp Patch

Burst Drones that are attached to units will now show up on the mini-map. Vehicles that have been pilot sniped can now be crushed appropriately. Added a sound effect for placing camera bookmarks. Added a sound effect for the game countdown timer. Added Victory/Defeat music to the end of a multiplayer match. Improvements to how stats are tabulated in the post-game summary.

Improved the overall AI management of Harvesters. Improved the push-to-talk functionality of VOIP while playing a Co-op campaign mission. Power Plants will now turn dark when infiltrated by an enemy unit. The Athena Cannon will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic veterancy. The Dolphin will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic veterancy. The Striker VX will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic Veterancy.

The Sky-wing will receive unique firing effects when it achieves Heroic Veterancy. The wrench repair icon will now display on structures that are being repaired by your co-commander. Infantry units will now correctly evacuate from a transport vehicle that has been pilot sniped by Natasha. Replays will now provide users with a Telestrator.

Added descriptive text for the 'Destroy the Generators' bonus objective in campaign mission Allied 05. Added an extra health bar to the Athena Cannon to indicate the strength of its shield and/or point defense drones. The first unit selected for Chrono Swap will now have an icon denoting its selection. Infantry units will now fall to the ground when killed while parachuting. Expanded the variety of animations for Yuriko Omega. Added several people to the game's credits.

Fixed various typos and made certain dialog messages more clear. Various other bug fixes. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Version 1.04 Patch Notes - November, 2008 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 improves the reporting of online games to the ladder and player's stats. This patch also changes player names in online lobbies to be listed alphabetically. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Version 1.03 Patch Notes - October, 2008 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 reduces the chance of receiving a black screen when attempting to log online.

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Version 1.02 Patch Notes - October, 2008 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 reduces the chance of receiving a frozen black screen when entering the Main Menu. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Version 1.01 Patch Notes - October, 2008 This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 makes improvements to the multiplayer game invite system, which should cause invitations to cooperative and competitive matches to work more reliably. File Size: 421.2 MB File Source: 106999 downloads.